The lady incharge of the interns, has been really interactive, and has planned some sort of speaker or workshop at least once a week for the whole summer for just us interns. And yesterday we had a pretty cool lady come in and talk about "life" pretty much. Her name was Gabrielle Bernstein, and I would suggest looking her up online or on youtube to hear her speak about her "specialty". She was way different than any other speaker I've ever heard, but the notes I took are pretty interesting so I going to type them at the end to share with everyone. But really, google her name and watch as least one thing from her because some of her beliefs are really interesting. Also, she has created a website that is specifically for mentoring or finding a mentor...or just joining and getting great support from women everywhere!
Other than researching and Gabrielle's presentation, I haven't done much more than working, eating, and sleeping. Hopefully today after work all the interns are planning on getting togetherfinally and going out to eat. We all get along great and most of us are working in the same room, so we really have gotten close to each other!
Tonight when I'm home on my own computer, I will post day 4's pictures!!
Love and miss you all!
Here are my notes from Gabrielle's presentation:
- "You won't know how to act if you don't know how to be yourself" - GB
- have effortless actions
- Lesson 1 - "Hang with the people who know how to do it (what you want to do)"
- "I'm not afraid; I was born to do this" - Joan of Arc
- each of us need to find this "moment" in our life
- be 90% emotional, not 100% complete or perfect
- we need to have a clear ody and mind
- "if you change your mind, a miracle will happen" - GB
- "tend to the garden that's in front of you" - GB
- don't try for a million $ company instantly - one day at a time
- you have to feel awesome inside!
- have to have great energy
- know what you want and believe in it - it will happen only if you have great energy and are positive
- "if they have what you want, do what they do" - surround yourself with the right people
- add more "ing" to your life
- activites create happiness in your life - her example: surfing
- "ing" - now also "inner guidance"
- manifestation - a desire that becomes form
- "Don't take; Give, then be able to receive"
- have to have clarity, focus, self-love, commitment, truth, and desire to serve
- "your thoughts inform your energy, and your energy informs your world
- "you will heal it when you feel it"
- when you are hurting, let the feeling run through you for 90 seconds - everytime!
- this will get you more comfortable with the feeling over time
- fear blocks, so let it pass then "let it go!"
- "let the world be your mirror"
- if someone seems to be in the wrong, start with looking at yourself
- create a vision board
- this allows focus on what you want
- "hold the vision"
Recommended books:
- The Power of Now - Ekhart tolle
- Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway
- A Woman's Worth
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