Tuesday, June 2, 2009

First day at work!

Yesterday was my first day at work and it looks like I'm going to have a busy busy summer!! I was matched up when a mentor who will be the one who decides my projects to work on and who will help me with anything that I need. She seems to be really nice and helpful...but sort of hyper active too so I guess we'll see how that works.

I am in the marketing section, and as of yesterday, the brief overview of my projects are related to mark.'s haircare line and the perfumes! I'm really excited about these and it should all be fun!

Pictures are coming soon (they just take long to post and I haven't had a chance to sit down yet) and I have 1,000 or something...so picking and choosing takes a while too. Today is Scott's last full day, so last night we got to walk the Brooklyn Bridge...which is beautiful and it as pretty as everyone says it is!! We were on the subway trying to get downtown, and I don't know why people say New Yorkers are rude, but we had 2 people offer us directions and one of them eventually said he lived over there and just follow him on the subways he transferred. And it wasn't scary or anything, he was a nice guy, but it was really nice of him when he pretty much walked us all the way there then turned back, so he obviously went out of his way. 

Well I have to finish getting ready for work (I leave in 30 minutes). Also, tonight me and Scott and his brother Corey and his wife Mandy are going to a Yankees game - so that should be exciting!!

Miss and love you all!!


  1. I feel like a stalker mom since I'm checking your blog so often!!! I'm so glad that it worked out for you all to go the baseball game tonight. You guys have really had some awesome opportunities while you've been there. Have fun tonight, and tell Scott we'll be praying for his safe travels home -- oh, and give him a big hug from us for all that he's helped you with this past week! Love & miss you!! ~Mom

  2. ok so if she is the stalker mom i am the stalker cousin! u adventures & of course work in NY are going to be a great read and i am so excited for you! cant wait to see pics of the Brooklyn Bridge!
    have fun & stay safe, KK
