From now on, when you first pull up this blog, all of my posts will show up. But now I'm labeling each post to separate the categories. If you want to read just one type of post, look at the right side bar and either click on "My life" or "mark."...and hopefully I will add more in the future. This allows me to share my blog with everyone - family and friends, as well as my mark. customers and fellow representatives. Also, in the future, I can hopefully learn how to have an easier separation between different categories!
If you don't happen to know what mark. is and who we are as a company, please take a look at both and my personal e-boutique (my selling tool as a rep) at We are a beauty and fashion company, ultimately owned by Avon, but are marketing and selling ourselves completely differenrtly! We have a target market of 16-34 year olds (but younger and older are just as loyal cusotmers) and we sell directly through magalogs (magazine meets a boutique catalog). As a rep, I have no minimum required sales or restrictions, so it's completely my own choice as to how I run my company and how I sell. Taking this opportunity to accept this intern position in New York City has been the best choice I've made when it comes to mark. Not only have I learned more about the products and gotten great lunches :o) but I've grown as an employee by learning what all goes on behind the scenes and the insider's scoop on mark.'s values and positioning placement. I've learned mark.'s goals for the next several years, which I wish could be shared to all reps for more motivation and encouragement, and know that no matter how much I might not be selling at a point in time, I am still able to be a part of this wonderful, customizable, social beauty brand!
I hope to share more and more with you as I have the time, but with that aside, I now want to share just a few of the lastest impressions and media accknowledgement that mark. has been a part of:
This is a WHOLE page from Oprah's magazine!
Glamour Beauty - website
Editor's Choice - CPC Packaging
Editor's Choice - CPC Packaging
Featuring Gayle Boye - Bottom left
As time goes on, mark. is getting featured more and more - and I will share with you as I get the news as well :o)
For now, I must get back to being a mark.eter :o) but I hope you'll enjoy hearing more about the company along with my experiences!!
Love, Taylor
Great entry! The exposure mark. is getting is awesome!!