Saturday, August 15, 2009

a little late :o)

Sorry about just now posting these, but I'm back in Texas and have my final pictures from New York! It's great to be back and I miss a few things about the city...but I'm here to stay :o)

This is on Thursday - right after I made my presentation I found out about our national ad so we went out for our lunch break to buy copies!

Walking to our Graduation Dinner after work on Thursday I passed this Summer sign - it's a reminder of the best summer I've had :o)

At our Graduation Dinner

With the national ad!

The ad with all the intern's autographs

Receiving my thank you gift from Claudia Poccia, mark.'s president

Claudia (President), Janet (intern coordinator), Dawn (also the intern coordinator)

Me and Lily, the Executive Marketing VP

Me and Claudia

Friday morning before work me and Hanna went to the Today Show to see Jason Mraz perform! We got there too early and only got to see one song because of having to go to work

Al Roker is on the blue thing

Jason Mraz is the one on the left with the hat on and in plaid

One last time in front of 1251 Avenue of the Americas :o(

My intern ID to get onto the mark. floor

My Avon ID to get into the actual building

Another picture in front of Columbia's library

Our last dinner me, Hanna, and Ashely went to's similar to Bucca de Bepo for those who know that restaurant

It was delicious and huge!! We share this one pasta dish and only ate half!

Walking home we passed by Monk's/Tom's restaurant from Seinfeld

Then we took another last time trip to our crepe and tea place :o)

My tiramisu

And finally my Columbia ID - I had to give it back so that's why I took a picture

I hope you've enjoyed keeping up with my summer interning with mark. in New York!! I plan to keep this blog for personal use from now on, so keep checking back to read how my final college semester is going!!

Thank you to everyone for all of the support you gave me this summer! I really missed home but I had an experience of a lifetime and wouldn't change anything!

Come back soon :o)

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing summer you've had. While it was extremely difficult to have you be so very far away from home, you'll never know how very proud we were to know you were taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity. This is a summer you will never forget. We're glad to have you back in Texas!!
